Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You know it has been raining when....

This week (and it's only Tuesday!) my little one and I have embarked upon two craft projects. Can you tell my catchment tank is full? That all our planned play dates were outdoors? RAIN = crafts!
Needless to say the one activity that I had been planning for a while ended up being very much less successful than the spontaneous, look-what-we-can-do-with-these, unplanned, project! I need to learn to go with my gut more, embrace spontaneity and forget the plan!Paper plate masks
We took a couple of paper plates, I cut out the holes for the eyes and then we went at it! She was a little unsure about what we were going to use it for, I realized that she probably hasn't played with masks much. We made hers into a cat and mine was a clown. I punched holes at the sides and attached elastic, but it was still hard to get it to stay on her little head!
Popsicle stick puppetsI bought some wiggly eyes from Walmart and we stuck them to some paper, then we were drawing funny faces. I cut some lip and nose shapes from foam paper, and then we added some hair using yarn. We cut out the heads and glued them to Popsicle sticks and had a blast just letting them "chat" to each other. The wiggle eyes were a winner. We spent ages making different faces... one which was apparently Daddy... who isn't blue-faced or wiggly-eyed!

1 comment:

  1. I would be interested in hearing about some rain activities. :)


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