Friday, April 16, 2010

Super Duper Cinnamon Rice Pudding

I’m in love!!! I’ve been reading the book, Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon. 

My friend Tricia turned me on to it awhile ago and recently my friend Rachel started reading it as well. I HIGHLY recommend the book. Get it from the library 1st or look for it used, it’s about a $25 book. Anyway, I was looking for some blogs on Nourishing Traditions and found some. One woman is even doing the Julie/Julia thing cooking each recipe and blogging about it. By the way, I LOVE that movie. I watched it once by myself and again the next day with Jonathan. I got him Julia’s cookbooks and he made the BEST duck ever!!!! 
On this blog,, she had a recipe for Butterscotch Rice Pudding. I’m ALWAYS looking for “what’s for breakfast.” I am not a cereal girl, I don’t like high carb breakfasts. I feel hungry within an hour. I like a “stick to your ribs” meal for breakfast. Her secret to “natural butterscotch” is that molasses and honey taste like butterscotch!!! Isn’t that great? We’re house sitting and I don’t have molasses, so I just made Super Duper Cinnamon Rice Pudding, and, did I say, “I’m in love?”

Super Duper Cinnamon Rice Pudding 

4 cups leftover rice (I used brown and jasmine)

2 cups milk

2 T Maple Syrup

1 T cinnamon 

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla

Heat the rice and milk in a saucepan over medium heat until bubbly.
Turn the heat down, stir it fairly often and let it cook a bit to break down the rice about 5-10 minutes. Add the honey, molasses, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir well.

Beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Add a little bit of the rice mixture to the eggs and stir well. Pour the eggs into the rice mixture on the stove and stir quickly so the eggs do not clump. Remove from heat and add the vanilla.

We just enjoyed this for breakfast and Jonathan, who “doesn’t like cinnamon,” LOVED it! J Enjoy

What do you like to have for breakfast?

1 comment:

  1. I have a similar recipe with Arborio (risotto) rice which makes it creamier...follow directions to cook rice a 2:1 ratio; but use coconut milk instead. and ...I used the can of coconut cream that you gave me when you moved (yes I took it with me from LV). and a tsp or so of is SOOOO YUM-O-licious! when you cook rissotto you toast it a bit in the pan which I did with some coconut oil :)
    I am glad you are finding the book helpful..... Tricia


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